Journey of GullakNinja

And the adventure Began...

  • GullakNinja is a platform to Empower you for managing your money based on your goals and not the goals of your agent.
  • The story of how we found our gullak and nurtured it to the GullakNinja of today. It was not a miracle or an accident but the underlying need of everyone.
  • GullakNinja was not a Eureka moment that happened overnight, It shaped over a pandemic that swept everyone off their feet.

Emergency Corpus, need of the hour

Growing up, I have seen my father’s rags to riches life and how he had built his business from scratch. Managing his money and not borrowing a single penny. He planned his finances with guidance from a professional and followed his gut which helped him sail through.


After my studies, I landed up in Bengaluru to join one of the premier investment and planning firms that are into managing HNI’s and their portfolio.


Working my way up in various functions of money management made me realize the importance of managing your money and how my father used his instinct to do it, and it was lacking in most of the professionals and businessmen around in the city of my dreams, “The startup capital of India, Bengaluru”.


Money was flowing and so were the parties in every neighbourhood in the city, but people lacked the discipline to manage their money, those who could afford went to the planners but the young achievers joining the workforce, the women managing their household, the teens managing their pocket money or the breadwinners running their household had little or no clue in respect to how to manage their budget investments and they relied on agents who had little or no clue on investments, but only the product they were selling.


There was a greater need to understand how money works, and how to pick your saving tools and investments rather than your agent choosing the best commission for themselves.

Enter the Dragon "Coronavirus"

Once Covid-19 entered our lives,jobs and savings started falling like house of cards.The investments people wanted to redeem,would not even cover the principal amount invested. The agents were nowhere to be found as they sold products paying them higher commission and not what suited the investor’s purpose.

Some investments had lock-in period which left people in a situation where they didn’t have enough savings to tideover an emergency situation. It was mayhem and people had no clue on their savings ,which called for an urgent need to create awareness on investment decisions based on your #Goals and not the agent’s.

Reach us directly for further support and queries… Contact